Wednesday, October 26, 2022

My Favorite Book Blogs

As a new book blogger I am always reading book blogs. For inspiration, for advice, and just for fun, I'm following other book blogs as often as possible. 

I'm not a huge fan of the books they review, but their book blogging and bookstagram posts keep me coming back for more. They blog about travel and books. Sprinkled with the educational posts I mentioned before.

Another one I don't follow for reviews. I'm a smut reader. I have been for 20 years and I probably will be for 20 more. Their book blogging posts are great to me. I also like their posts on classics. I started out by reading the classics so they will always have a special place in my heart.

I like that they read romance. They also have a bookstagram I follow. Theirs is so much more beautiful than my bookstagram. A fellow blogspot blogger that also has a current blog. So many book bloggers have given up. Even WordPress blogs have been going belly up.

Finally a fellow smutty book blogger. They don't blog about book blogging, but I don't really either. They don't really blog about the same kind of smutty books I do either. I don't mind, though. I'm just glad to read some smutty reviews. 

This blog was a new discovery and a site I plan on following closely for great reads. I can't tell if story has accidental pregnancies in her reviews, but there seem to be others that are my type.

Another smutty book reviewer. The thing I love about their blog is that they add a bit about the author. They also provide plenty of links, both on how to buy the books, and also how to contact and follow authors. 

This blogger mostly blogs about fantasy. I read fantasy, but only if it's fantasy smut. What this blogger does have is lifestyle and book blogger posts. I'll follow any blogger that offers fantastic book blogger advice!

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