Friday, October 28, 2022

Guilty Reader Book Tag

Every reader has bookish habits that they may or may not be proud of. Who am I to judge, well, maybe. It is time for another book tag.

Have you ever regifted a book you've been given?
I've donated to Goodwill, does that count? My friends who read don't really like the same books I do. They have sometimes gifted me books that I tried to read, but had to pass on. I don't even bother trying to get them to read smut.

Have you ever said you have read a book when you haven't?
What would be the point of that? If I couldn't get into a book, I'll tell you. I'm not a fan of lying, really. So, no I would not do that.

Have you ever borrowed a book and not returned it?
To a person? No. To the library? Yes. I'm not proud of it. I was a new adult and my Dad found some Wiccan books I'd borrowed from the library. He took them and I didn't find them till years later. The damage had already been done. I'd paid the price of the books. 

Have you ever read a series out of order?
All. The. Time. I am currently reading Sara Cate's Salacious Players Club out of order. Love the kink club!

Have you ever spoiled a book for someone?
I truly try not too, but I get so excited about a book, that I often overshare and spoil it for others. I think this is the problem of most book lovers. I have had others do this to me, too.

Have you ever dog-eared a book?
Absolutely not! I also do not Crack book spines. Respect the books.

Have you ever told someone you don't own a book when you do?
I'm pretty honest about books I have, but I refuse to loan them out. Well, I might for my writer friend, but only because she has loaned to me.

Have you ever skipped a chapter or a section of a book?
Chapter, no. Sections, yes. Sometimes when you've read one sexy time scene, you've read them all. I'll skim over these parts sometimes, unless somethings catches my eye. Or, if that's all the book is about, I'll read every word. 

Have you ever bad-mouthed a book you actually like?
I'll mention things I didn't like about a book that I liked as a whole. But, I don't even really bad-mouth books I don't like.  I just simply state what made me stop. No need to trash an author's baby.

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