Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Things Every Book Blogger Needs

This will be my first post dedicated to the book blogger as opposed to just the bookworm. As I get more of a handle on book blogging I hope to write more of these.

A phone
You have to have a phone if you are a book blogger. I do everything from my phone. I write posts, publish to blog, create graphics and even read sometimes. There are so many apps to help a book blogger. Maybe I will write a post about that in the future. 

A computer
Right now I don't need this because I use Blogger to blog, but when I switch to WordPress there will be a lot of blog work that can't be done on the phone. I currently have a chrome book, which isn't really ideal. I will probably either go to the library to blog or buy a Windows based laptop.

Source of books
You have to have some source of books. Unlimited funds for the bookstore, a library card, an ereader. Some way to have a steady supply of books to review.

I can never have enough notebooks. I'm sure I drive my husband batty with my love of collecting notebooks. While I have a lot of writing apps on my phone, sometimes you need to actually hand write some notes out. Usually when I do a book tag post I write out the prompts in a notebook and then type that along with my writings into a blog post.

Something to drink
Blogging can be tough and having a refreshing beverage nearby helps the blogger a lot. I usually have my trusty water bottle nearby because I'm trying to drink more water. But, tea, coffee, or wine would be acceptable as well.

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