Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Why You Need A Notebook

Every reader has to be a writer a little bit. Even if you don't write books yourself. I, personally, do not have the creativity or the patience to pen a novel. But, I enjoy writing blog posts. I keep several notebooks for my reading.

Write down books read 
If you don't trust technology, you can keep track of all the books you've read in a notebook. You can just write down the title and name of author, or you can write a brief description along with that.

TBR lists
I screenshot books I want to read but my phone if overfill of screenshots. I used to use Goodreads to keep track of books I want to read, but I got carried away and I think I have over 2,000 books on there. A Notebook is a tangible list of books you want to read, and you won't lose it when you change phones.

The Kindle has a nice feature where you can highlight text and it will post it as a quote to Goodreads. It is, however, tricky to use as you may end up accidentally highlighting text you didn't mean to. A notebook is so much simpler. A place to go and read the quotes when you want to remember. 

Book tags
If you own a blog or some bookish social media, you may have run across bookings. I screenshot book tags and then write that text into my notebook, then I type from the notebook to my blog. It may seem like a hassle, but it's less hassle than closing out of the blog editor to see what I need to type and then reopening it.

Amazon gift card codes
If you have been paying attention you know that I earn side money from cash making apps for Amazon gift cards. But, as of now, you can't automatically get your codes sent to Amazon. You have to type them in. Again, it's a hassle switching between screens to type in the codes. I keep a small notebook to write the gift card codes in and transfer them to Amazon from there.

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