Saturday, July 30, 2022

My Bookish Pet Peeves

Every bookish person has a list of things that tick them off and I am no exception. Some of these are things I've mentioned before, but I wanted to rant some more.

Cracking book spines
I've mentioned it before. It's probably a throwback to when I was young and my Dad would throw a fit if we cracked the spine of one of his precious Bibles. I don't care about Bibles, but for books in general I do not like cracked spines. Probably one reason I stick to the Kindle so much.

Not returning books
I've not returned books to the library before, let's face it, that happens sometimes. However, if you borrow a book from a friend... return the book! I lost a friend over this before. I owned a set of Hobbit/Lord Of The Rings books that a close friend had gotten for me. Another so called friend "borrowed" my books and never returned them. I was furious, I never talked to her again.

People that don't read
I get if you aren't much for books, I guess. It's weird to me, but as long as you read articles and stuff I can live with it. But, people that don't read at all? You can't get by in life just watching TV, I just don't understand not reading. If you can't read that's one thing, and I hope you can get help with that. But, won't read? I don't get it.

Popular books
Unpopular opinion, but I don't usually like Popular Books. I feel like the quality is usually sub par. I liked the Bridgerton series, and I have loved a lot of classics. But, I did not like Harry Potter or City Of Bones. And it's not a problem with YA fiction, I've read a lot of YA fiction that I liked. Popular Books just don't inspire me.

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