Sunday, May 29, 2022

My Bookish Wishlist

If you want to keep a bookworm happy, you can't go wrong with buying them books. If you want to really make them happy then buy them bookish gifts. I decided to round up the stuff on my bookish wishlist.

NOTE: these are not links and they aren't ads. I don't get paid for mentioning this stuff.

This Bookish tumber. It says it keeps cold stuff cold for 12 hours and hot stuff hot for 6 hours. I could fill this up with some Bridgerton tea and read a book.

The Afore mentioned Bridgerton tea. Penelope is my favorite in both the TV show and the books. I know this is merchandise of the TV show and not the books, but fans of both can desire this.

It's called a Hemingway pencil holder. I love old typewriters.  When I was a child my Aunt had one and let me play with it when I came over. Maybe this foretold that I would love reading and writing.

By far my favorite Disney princess has always and will always be Belle. I love that she was a bookworm and that the Beast was intelligent enough to realize the way to her heart was through books.

My all time favorite book is Pride And Prejudice. I believe I've mentioned this before. But, I love stylish scarves in the winter. When I get a new wool coat, I want this to go with it.

I am so picky about my wine. It has to be sweet for me to drink it. But, I do love a glass of wine as much as the next girl. A reading themed wine glass to drink out of when I'm reading and sipping sound heavenly. 

Okay I've never actually had the chance to read The Lord Of The Rings because that old friend of mine stole my books. I am, however, a fan of the movies and this seemed like a fun shirt.

When I was 22 my bookworm aunt called me a nerd and I was offended. She then explained that she was a nerd too and after that I owned it. The candle claims to actually smell like books and I'm curious to see if they can accurately do that.

I didn't get my ears pierced till I was 17 and it took 3 times of piercing them to get it to stick. Even so I mostly stick to post earrings when I do wear earrings. Post style bookish earrings sounds perfect to me.

Even though I have lately been claiming that Colin Bridgerton rivals Mr. Darcy for book boyfriend affection, I don't think anyone can truly beat Mr. Darcy. I recently rewatched the 2005 Pride And Prejudice movie on HBO max.

When I was a preteen all I cared about was Anne of Green Gables. When I was 11 and my Mom was struggling to come up with a name for my youngest sister, I put forth a case to name her Anne. My parents went with the suggestion! I love this Anne Of Green Gables coffee mug. Although, if I'm honest this is more likely to hold tea rather than coffee for me.

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