Monday, March 7, 2022

Reasons To Go To The Library

I grew up in the library. Once a week my mom would grab the library milk crate and we'd head to the library to fill up for the week. I remember getting my own library card and insisting on checking out my own books. Is it any wonder that my first job was at that same library? But, for those that didn't grow up in the library, what are some compelling reasons to go?

1. It's Free
Probably my favorite reason is because it's totally free. The library is based on the principle of free so everything there is to do is free. Most libraries have overdue fines if you are late. So, that's not free. If you are lucky like me, though, your city's library decided to abolish overdue fines. That's right, I'm not penalized for keeping a book longer than I was supposed to!

2. Computer Access 
If you can't afford a computer at home, the library is a good place to go. If you live in an urban area you might have a difficult time getting to a computer, especially during the summer when all the kids are out of school. 

3. Printing
My library has the first 200 pages a month free printing. So, I love going to the library to print up coloring sheets and planner pages. Hardly any body has printers at home, or nice ones anyway. My library even prints in color for you if you need it.

4. Classes 
Need to know how to work a computer? Draw your family tree? The Library Probably has a class for that. And, they are free to take.

5. Summer Reading Program 
When I was a kid the summer reading program was my favorite part of summer.  When I was an adult that summer reading program was no more. Thankfully someone at the library thought about that and created an adult reading program. I'm not sure what the rewards are like and I think they just ask you to commit to five books instead of 35.

What are your reasons for going to the library?

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