Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Arguments For & Against Audiobooks

One of the leading debates in the bookish world is, are audio books, in fact, real books? Or should you even bother with audio books if you read paper or ebooks.

1. Books don't have pages to turn. Though I'm not sure if this is even an argument because ebooks don't technically have pages to turn either.

2. You can't listen in front of others. That's a bad argument too. Because with ear buds you totally can.

1. You can listen in the car. You can't very well bring a book in the car unless you are a passenger. And even then I get carsick trying to read and drive. Audio books are perfect for in the car. Only, if you are the driver, don't wear earbuds in the car, you have to be aware enough to drive.

2. You can listen at work. This one depends on your job. If you work in the service industry you can't very well listen while you work. But, if you work in an office and spend a lot of time on the computer,  then pop in some ear bugs and listen while you work.

3. You can listen while doing chores. Even at home you can't always sit down to read a book. Enter audio books. Whether you are blasting your Bluetooth speaker or wear your earbuds to listen you can listen to audio books to make your chores more bearable.

Do you listen to audiobooks?

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