Monday, March 28, 2022

Animal Crossing Book Tag

So, I'm really digging the book tag thing. This time I found one based on Animal Crossing New Horizons.

Past Villager- Who is a character you found when you were younger that still has a place in your heart?
Probably Lizzie Bennett from Pride and Prejudice.  I always was attracted to bookish sorts in books. Still am. Love teachers, readers, writers, etc. in my books.

Blather's Blatherings- Recommend a historical fiction book that you think everybody should read.
I don't have any specific one, but I particularly enjoy mail-order brides novels.

Celeste's Wish- What is a future book release you want to read now?
The Beastly Boss by Sofia T. Summers it may be available by the time I post this.

Timmy and Tommy- What is your favorite sibling relationship in a book?
Classic? The sisters in Pride and Prejudice of course. Modern? Ellie and her brother in Vegas Aces Home Game-End Game. I've read that series 6 times!

The Easter Bunny- A popular book character you're not a big fan of.
There isn't really any particular character, just the book series I couldn't get into. Harry Potter being the biggest one.

Nook's Loans- An author you'de give all your money to. 
Sofia T. Summers for sure, luckily every book of hers I've come across was on Kindle Unlimited so I haven't had to literally give her all my money.

The Sisters Able- What is your favorite fictional family (found or otherwise?)
Probably the March family in Little Women, or The Five Little Peppers. I can't think of any contemporary books.

It's A C+- What is a book trope you don't like that keeps popping up?
Second Chance. I like secret babies which can sometimes mean Second Chances. Generally I don't like Second Chance romance, though.

The Wedding Camel- What is your favorite book set in a land far away from yours?
Chronicles of Narnia for sure.

What Would Dodos Do?- A fictional land you wish you could fly away to at any moment?
Any land that isn't dangerous.  I don't really like danger. 

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