Monday, February 7, 2022

What To Do With Your Old Books

In a perfect world we could keep every book we ever bought. And, some books are meant for keeping. But, if you are like me, and just don't have the space to keep so many books it's time to let some go. Here are the least painful ways.

1. Pass it to a friend
Do you have friends or family that also like to read? My Aunt and cousin also like romance novels and when I couldn't afford new books they would often get together books they had finished and give me boxes of books. I loved it so much! 

2. Donate to a book box
I don't know if every city does this, but in St. Louis we have book boxes. These are little boxes spread throughout the city. You can drop off your old books and pick up someone's old books anytime. This is awesome because you could be helping a homeless person read if they want to.

3. Host a Giveaway
If you have a blog or Bookstagram, this is an excellent opportunity to get some new followers. Host a giveaway and make it a rule that to enter the giveaway they have to follow you. Google play has some apps for running an Instagram giveaway.  I'm sure Apple has some too.

4. Sell your old books
If you can't bear the thought of giving away your old books then sell them. When I have a bunch of clothes in the wrong size I gather them in trash bags and sell them on Facebook Marketplace for $20.00 a bag. You could do the same with a box of your old books. You won't recoup the money from buying the books but you may get enough cash to buy a few more.

I hope these ideas give you a starting off point of what to do with your old books.

What do you do with your old books?

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