Sunday, February 20, 2022

Reading Necessities

You decide to sit down and start reading but you need to be surrounded by your cozy things to read. Of course you could just sit down with your book or ereader, but where is the fun in that? 

1. Light
If you are reading by printed page or paperwhite ereader then your first requirement is a light to read by. Then can be a lamp or a clip on book light, but you need to be able to see.

2. Coffee/Tea/Wine
Whatever your beverage of choice, keep it on hand. I keep a cheap water bottle filled with either instant tea, or lemon water. Sometimes I get fancy and get Lemon/ginger cold water infusions by Twinings tea, they are so good.

3. Blanket 
Even if it's Summer and not even the fan is enough to cool me off, I will wrap up in a blanket to read. The snuggle is real when I read. Whether it's a comforter or a small lap blanket, having something to snuggle with is definitely essential. 

4. Snacks
I'm a pretzel type person, some people want cookies. My Mom even suggested cheese and crackers. The point is, having something to nosh on while you read seems to cozy up the experience even more.

5. Candle/Incense
Okay, it's not essential but it's pretty important to have a smell good thing burning. I prefer dragons blood incense, however I also happily burn the candles my Mom gets me for some smell good ambiance.

What are your essentials when reading?

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