Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Why I Started Blogging

This will be a post a little different from my usual posts. Today I'm going to tell a personal story.A tale about why I am where I am today. I may not be making money, but I am doing what I love.

Literally ever since I can remember I have been obsessed with two things piano and writing. My aunt had the piano at her house and ever since I could reach the keys on her piano I would tap at the keys. I gave her a headache, mostly. When I turned 13 my dad rewarded my many years of trying to learn on my own with real deal piano lessons. I only got halfway through level six before I started getting burned out on practice. My dad told me to "take a sabbatical." I ended up going into the Air Force a few months later and never took lessons again. I have, however, played from time to time, when I have the opportunity. 

Now, on to writing. Even before I could actually write I filled pages of notebook paper with careful scribbles. My mom taught me to read at four, and I was actually writing, not long after. It was my favorite subject, growing up. When I went to college I got A's on all my writing assignments.  Some technical others creative. I have had so much fun writing over the years. About 14 years ago my (then boyfriend, now husband) gifted me with my first ereader. A whole new world opened up for me. Free books. At first it was mostly free erotica, with a few contemporary romance thrown in. Over the years the selection got better and better, as it did I began to realize something. I may have some talent as a writer, but I don't have that kind of talent. 

It was a depressing realization. But, my story doesn't end there. I realized I might not have the talent to write a contemporary romance novel, but I may have just enough writing talent to write about those romance novels. I had done some blogging in the past. Well ever since I was 13. At first I posted personal blogs. More like an online diary than a blog of today. Then I moved to informative blog posts. I had a budgeting blog on WordPress for awhile. I ran out of money to keep it going. When I started this blog, I just wanted a hobby blog. That is still mostly true. Meta (Facebook and Instagram) have targeted my blog and call it spam. The only reason I can think for this is because I use a free platform. For this reason I will be getting a WordPress blog soon. I will probably do some ads and some affiliate links when I make the switch. Not to make a lot of money, but to at least try to make the blog self sustaining.

So, that's it. I'm a writer who isn't talented enough to write what I want to write the books I want, so I blog about those kinds of books instead. I will say that even though I feel I have no talent for that kind of writing, my Pinterest does not reflect that. I have boards about how to write novels in general, romance novels, editing, publishing, and more. I still have my dreams, okay?

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