Saturday, March 19, 2022

Best Apps For Reading

In the modern age we use apps for everything, weather we use them on our phone or on our ereader. But, for the purpose of ease, I'm focusing on Android apps. So, if you have an Android phone or tablet you can use these. Of course many of these apps are also available on iPhone or Kindles as well.

I think the most important reading app is Goodreads. I list one of my TBR lists on Goodreads, although my list is so long, I doubt I will get through them at all. But, my Kindle automatically records all books I read on Goodreads. I keep it on my phone too, for checking and getting book covers for my reviews. 

Probably the second most important app. Is the Kindle app. I don't have it on my phone anymore because I have so many apps on my phone right now. But, if I get a bigger, better phone, I will get it more reading on the go. Obviously my Kindle has the Kindle app on it. But, it's available for the phone too.

If you have a library card you can use Libby in your phone. It's by Overdrive, which used to be the app. Now Overdrive can be accessed through the Kindle. I'm pretty sure it's all the same stuff. I have Libby on my phone for audio books. But, I keep Overdrive on my Kindle for free ebooks.

Another library card accessed app. I don't have it on my phone do to space concerns. But, I enjoy watching movies, reading ebooks, listening to audio books, and I even checked out a comic book on there once as well. This app is also available on the Kindle, which is where I watch movies and read books.

If you review books for ARCs you need this app. It's not available on Kindle but that's okay because Netgalley will email books to the Kindle app if you know how to do that. Netgalley on the phone allows you to read on your phone or listen to audio books, which is what I have it for.

Free Audio Books
If you are like me, Audible is too expensive. I found this app for classic audio books. There are many classics I haven't read yet, but want to. This gives me something to listen to while I do chores around the house.

What is your favorite reading app?

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